
  • ESS G supercharger vented plug replacement

    ESS G supercharger vented plug replacement

    These are replacement plugs vented plugs for all self contained ESS G1/2/3/4 supercharger units. A ventilated gear case assembly eliminates any potential internal pressure issues that are currently associated with non-vented designs. 

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  • S65 E9X M3 Silicone Hose kit

    S65 E9X M3 Silicone Hose kit

    This is an E9XM3 VT1 & VT2 discharge silicone hose kit.  This is the replacement E9XM3 silicone hoses with clamps to the manifold inlet. Included is the: E9XM3 Bypass Silicone Hose E9XM3 Discharge Silicone Hose E9XM3 Discharge Silicone...

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  • Bypass valve & gasket for ESS VT and G kits

    Bypass valve & gasket for ESS VT and G kits

    This is a Vortech Maxflow bypass valve for ESS supercharger kits.  This is a replacement bypass valve and gasket included. Compatible with : E39M5 VT1 kit E46M3 VT1 & VT2 kits E9XM3 VT1, VT2 & G kits E60M5-M6 VT1 & VT2 kits Camaro...

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  • S65 SC Bracket Spacers & Hardware VT Gen.1

    S65 SC Bracket Spacers & Hardware VT Gen.1

    This is replacement supercharger bracket hardware for S65 Gen.1 VT1 and VT2 supercharger systems from ESS : 5x supercharger to bracket spacers an 10x bracket and supercharger mounting bolts. E9XM3 Gen.1 VT1- 550 kits E9XM3 Gen.1 VT2- 595/ 625/ 650 kits

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  • E9XM3 SC Bracket Assembly E9XM3 SC Bracket Assembly

    E9XM3 SC Bracket Assembly

    This is an E9XM3 VT1 & VT2 SC main bracket assembly.  This is a replacement E9XM3 SC bracket assembly: SC bracket, 2x pulleys and pulley hardware. E9XM3 VT1- 550 kits E9XM3 VT2- 595/ 625/ 650 kits

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  • Air intake coupler

    Air intake coupler

    This is an intake metal coupler. This is a replacement intake metal coupler that attaches from the intake flex tube to the KN air filter and fits these kits: E39M5 VT1- 560 kits E46M3 VT1 & VT2 kits E9XM3 VT1 & VT2 kits N52 VT1 kits M54 VT1...

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  • E9X M3 VT2/G1 Water Tank Assembly E9X M3 VT2/G1 Water Tank Assembly

    E9X M3 VT2/G1 Water Tank Assembly

    This is an E9XM3 VT2 water circulation tank assembly.  This is a replacement water circulation tank with cap, bracket and hardware included. E9X M3 VT2-595/625/650 kits

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